Best Books to Prepare for IBPS RRB 2017 Exams [Full List Here]

IBPS RRB Books,books for IBPS RRB examHave you applied for IBPS RRB exams 2017?Then its time to start preparing for the preliminary and main examinations as 10 lakh candidates are expected to appear for the exams.With 15,000 jobs of Office assistant and Officer (scale I) are to be filled in Regional Rural Banks, here is the detailed list of the best books for IBPS RRB exams.

There are 56 rural banks across all the major states of India & qualifying in IBPS RRB CWE VI is necessary to apply for 15,337 Office assistant & Officer (scale I, II, III) vacancies.

Click here to know more about IBPS RRB 2017 exams notification, eligibility and dates

IBPS RRB 2017 Prelims Dates: The preliminary examination dates are:

Office assistant – 8298 vacancies – September 17, 23 and 24

Officer (scale I) – 5123 vacancies – September 9, 10 & 16

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Books:

IBPS-RRB_exam-Books-GuideThis book published by Disha Publication is specifically designed as per the IBPS RRB office assistant exam pattern.Click here to buy
With 550+ pages it covers all the test sections such as Reasoning, General Awareness, Numerical ability, Computer knowledge & English language.
Added to this, the previous year question papers of 2015 and 2016 are also provided along with the solutions.

You also get exclusive access to 3 online mock tests for the purpose of practicing.

Overall, the book touches upon all the necessary subjects for IBPS RRB common exam & will act as a good reference to start.


For IBPS RRB Officers Scale (I,II,III):

This is yet another product from the house of Disha publications for IBPS RRB exam for Officers (scale I, II and III).Click here to buy online for Rs.499IBPS-RRB-Officers-Exam-Guide

Unlike the assistants guide mentioned above, this is a bigger book & hence you are  presented with very detailed descriptions on more topics. 

The contents page is neatly categorized into parts with list of topics dealt.

This book is also useful for scale II and III cadre positions as well.There are separate materials for these professional knowledge parts as well.

The book also has 2 years previous year solved question papers, that you may look at to know about the syllabus and questions model.


We recommend buying the book for its detailed lessons on every subject that form part of the common examination.

IBPS RRB Practice Books

For any competitive examination, practice is the ultimate thing required to excel in the exams and score high marks.There are workbooks available for IBPS RRB that offer practice question papers, which you may use for the purpose of practising.IBPS-RRB-Office-Assistant-Prelims-WB

20 practice sets for IBPS RRB Office Assistants Prelims – The practice papers are prepared according to the new pattern, 2 sections of Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability.

IBPS-RRB-Officer-Prelims-WB20 practice sets for IBPS RRB Officer Exam Prelims – This is an excellent workbook if you had applied for officer (scale I) cadre position.

With 20 practice papers, the solutions are given at the end of the book with detailed explanations.

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