Common Test: Time Allocation for Bank Exam Papers

“The question paper was long”, ‘I spent most of my time in reading the questions’, ‘The questions were too advanced’ – These are some of the sentences uttered by most candidates coming out of an exam hall after a bank exam or any other competition exam due to lack of time.

The main reason for conducting objective type written tests as part of bank recruitments is to see how fast you are able to arrive at a correct answer within the given time.So while appearing for the common bank exam, it is very important to allot a time period & manage it.

As per the common exam pattern, the duration of objective tests for both PO & Clerk is 150 minutes (2 & 1/2 hours).

* No. of papers: 5 ||* Total no. of questions: 250 ||* Total marks (clerk): 250

See the time to spend for each section in the table,common bank exam time allocation table

The remaining 15 minutes can be used for revising & verifying.

Since each question carries 1 mark, all sections must be given equal weightage.

Also keep in mind about the negative mark of 0.25.

During preparation:

  • Know your strengths & weakness in each section by practicing with model question papers of the same duration.
  • Analyze which test paper is difficult & allot extra time for it.For example, if you are weak in english, allocate 35 – 40 mins & lower the time for sections that you are strong.

At the exam:

  • Start with easy questions that you are sure of answers.This method helps you in gaining confidence.
  • Do not spend more time on just 1 question.If in doubt, move on to the next & return at the end to complete it.

Can I guess answers in the last?

You can take some risk by guessing few answers but it depends on how well you have attended the previous questions.Avoid guesswork in reasoning & numerical sections, as all choices will look similar & in most cases guesses prove wrong.

>> Also remember to check out our detailed posts on topics for reasoning test,

topics for numerical ability, topics for general banking awareness & topics for computer

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