IBPS RRB 2016: Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern | Online Mock Tests & Books

ibps rrb prelims exam pattern,ibps rrb online mock tests,ibps rrb best books buy online,ibps regional rural bank prelims mains exam patternThe IBPS RRB 2016 exams for recruitment of Office assistants & Officer jobs in regional rural banks is just round the corner.It is perhaps the next biggest recruitment in govt sector banks after PO & clerks.It is the reason we are explaining about the new exam pattern, safe number of attempts to qualify & from this IBPS RRB 2016 online mock tests.

The IBPS RRB 2016 recruitment is held on behalf of 56 regional rural banks (RRB/ gramin banks) that are spread across all the Indian states.

And inorder to get appointed in any of these RRB`s, qualifying in the examinations by securing the necessary cutoff marks is compulsory.A total of 16560 vacancies in the cadre of Office Assistant (scale I) & Officer (scale I,II & III) are to be filled this year.

RRB Office Assistant & Officer (scale I):

If you have appeared for previous RRB recruitments, you will know that there was only one examination that we had to appear.

Prelims for the 1st time: But a major change has been effected for IBPS RRB 2016 with the introduction of a preliminary exam for Office assistant & Officer (scale I) posts.

Note: No prelims exam for Officer (scale II & III).They need to appear only for mains.

The pattern of IBPS RRB prelims is also quite different from the regular prelims of IBPS PO & Clerks.Checkout the sections & marks allotted:


It is going to be a simple online test for 45 minutes for 80 marks containing two papers:

  • Reasoning (40 questions)
  • Quantitative aptitude (40 questions)

There will be no questions from english language section, which should make many of you happy.

IBPS RRB Online Mock Tests:

When you should answer 80 questions in 45 minutes, time management plays a key role in completing the test.With lakhs of candidates in fray to prove their mettle, the competition zeroes down to those who are able to correctly answer maximum question within the shortest possible time.

For you to practice in the latest pattern, here are the online mock tests for IBPS RRB office assistants & officer (scale I).

1) RRB Office Assistant Prelims Mock Tests (20 sets)Click to buy for Rs.399

2) RRB Officer (scale I) Online Mock Tests (20 sets)Click to buy for Rs.499

RRB Prelims Cutoffs: Candidates must pass successfully in both papers by securing the minimum cutoff marks in each following which adequate number of individuals in each category, will be shortlisted for the Main Examination.

While every correct answer carries 1 mark, each wrong answer would fetch you 0.25 negative marks.

What is the safe number of attempts to qualify in IBPS RRB prelims?

If you are able to answer 50 – 60 questions with 90% or above accuracy, the chances of qualifying for mains is bright.

Hence It can also be considered as the safe number of attempts for IBPS RRB prelims 2016 exams (office assistant & officer scale I)


What are the best books to prepare for IBPS RRB prelims and mains 2016 is a commonly asked question nowadays.Hence we have put together a list of books/ guides & practice workbooks for the upcoming RRB recruitment, which will be useful.

1) IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims & Mains Exam Guide – Buy online for Rs.172

2) Office Assistants Practice Workbook (20 papers) – Buy online for Rs.150

3) IBPS RRB Officer (scale I, II & III) Prelims & Mains Exam Guide – Buy online for Rs.332

4) Officer (scale I) Practice Workbook (20 papers) – Buy online for Rs.120

RRB Office Assistant & Officer (scale I, II & III) Mains

For Office assistant & Officer (scale I) jobs in IBPS RRB 2016 recruitment, candidates proceed to mains based on their scores in prelims.

On the other hand, those who had applied for Officer (scale II & III) posts, will directly appear for main examination as they don’t have prelims test.

The IBPS RRB mains exam is scheduled to be held on two different dates:

  • Officer (scale I, II & III) – December 11, 2016
  • Office Assistant – December 18, 2016

As usual, there is negative mark of 0.25 for each wrong answer in these objective tests.

The main exam pattern is similar for scale I cadre (office assistant & officer).See the following tables for details:

ibps rrb prelims exam pattern,ibps rrb online mock tests,ibps rrb best books buy online,ibps regional rural bank prelims mains exam pattern

Syllabus Doubt: Many of you were asking about the topics to cover for these posts.You may follow the PO syllabus for officer (scale I) & clerk syllabus for office assistant while preparing.

Officer (scale II & III) exam pattern is slightly different as it consists of specialized positions.So make sure to understand the test structure based on the post you choose to apply.

ibps rrb prelims exam pattern,ibps rrb online mock tests,ibps rrb best books buy online,ibps regional rural bank prelims mains exam pattern

General awareness section is replaced by Financial awareness for scale II & III cadre examinations.

Do you have any more doubts related to IBPS RRB (regional rural banks) 2016 recruitment exam? Ask them below. 

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