Indian Bank PO Recruitment – Interviews Announced!

indian bank logo,indian bank po recruitment results,indian bank po cutoffs,indian bank ibps po recruitment results Indian Bank has released the schedule for Interview for its PO recruitment. This might restart the results season which was silent till now.Although few previous banks wrapped up hiring process within 2 months, many banks are yet to announce short listing making candidates wait to know their status.

The online registrations for Indian Bank recruitment of 452 PO closed on 3rd of January 2012.The bank has taken over 2 months to identify people eligible for interview!


Cut-off Marks? 

Indian bank has neither published the cutoff score for interview selection nor given any info on the no. of qualifiers (categorywise) which will disappoint many.

But going by a rough estimate, it is possible for the cutoff might be around 171+ (gen).

If you are one among the selected, take time to leave your score as comment as it would be helpful for others to analyze.

Results here

The names,roll nos. & interview details are made available in the list given at their website here (excel file). Download & search for your details.

2143 candidates have been shortlisted by Indian bank (avg. ratio of 1:4)

Talking about the interview scheduling, it is to be conducted from May 24 to 31 only at Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkatta & New Delhi.

Though there is no mention of call letters/admit cards in the above list, selected candidates may receive intimations through email in the coming days.

An online facility to download call letters directly from IB`s website is also expected.

Who were eligible

Let us take a look at the eligibility criteria fixed by Indian bank for this recruitment,

  • Graduates in any discipline were called to apply
  • The minimum TWS score prescribed for sending applications was,
    • General: 141
    • SC/ST/OBC/PWD: 116

# Got a call? Consider reading our tips to prepare for bank interviews

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