IOB Specialist Officers Recruitment for 387 Posts Announced

indian overseas bank,iob officers recruitment 2012,indian overseas bank recruitment for specialist officers,IOB clerical recruitment 2012Indian Overseas Bank is on a hiring mood with the recruitment of Specialist officers.It was only recently that the bank announced joining dates for PO & clerk posts.IOB was nationalised in the year 1969 & was one of the very few banks started before independence.The Chennai based bank is present across India with more than 2000 branches.

Around 16000 people cleared the specialist officer test held in March 2012.Although few banks came hiring, it was mostly for Agri officers pushing behind other disciplines like IT & Marketing officer which have more passouts.

Vacancy List: 



Submit online applications from October 16 to 31, 2012
Personal Interviews may be in November/December

Who are eligible?

First of all, individuals qualified in the IBPS common written exam for specialist officers are only eligible to apply.They must also satisfy the following eligibility conditions,

Agri officer

  • Age to be minimum 21yrs & max.30yrs as on 1.12.2011
  • Must have degree in agriculture or in allied subjects (dairy science/animal husbandry/ fishery science/ horticulture/ agri. marketing etc. from a
    recognized university.

Rajbhasha adhikari

  • Agelimit as above
  • PG degree in Hindi or Sanskrit with english subject at the degree level

In addition to the above, applicants should posses a valid scorecard with the below categorywise & postwise cutoffs.



Those candidates ranking high in the order of merit as per cutoff marks shall be shortlisted for an Interview.The final cutoff will be decided by IOB depending on the no. of vacancies.

While the total marks for interviews are fixed at 50, the minimum score to qualify for final selection is 22.5 marks.

Selected candidates are required to execute a service bond (Rs.1 lakh) agreeing to stay in Indian overseas bank for atleast 3 years.

Steps to apply:

Fee of Rs.100 or Rs.50 (SC/ST) should be paid using the given challan at any IOB branch on or before October 31st.

On collecting the payment receipt from the branch, head over to submit your online application at

Remember to take a print of the system generated form as it has to be produced at the time of interview along with challan receipt.

Get details

Eligible individuals interested in applying for IOB specialist officer recruitment can do so after downloading the complete advertisement from their website here 

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