Lakshmi Vilas Bank Results Out | PO & Clerk Exam Held in March 2016

Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) PO & Clerk exam results have been announced.The popular private bank had conducted the recruitment exam for the above posts only recently.With the publication of results, selected candidates shall now get ready for Group Discussion & Personal Interivews.More on this process has been explained, along with cutoffs, number of selections & way forward for qualifiers.

Lakshmi Vilas Bank is one of the well known name among private banks & when they announced the recruitment of Officers (PO) & Clerks in February 2016, many individuals had applied.

LVB Results: How Many are Selected?

An online exam was held by the bank at select centres across India on March 19 & 20. According to the exam review shared by candidates, questions in banking awareness were said to be tough & overall difficulty was considered moderate.

In 10 days time, the bank has released the results for both PO & Clerks.The list of successfull roll numbers is published on their website.

The roll numbers can be seen from your exam call letter/ admit card.

How many got selected?

Normally we dont information on how many people qualify in the online exams.But since the results are now available in the form of PDF, here are some details:

  • Probaationary Clerk: 572
  • Probationary Officer: 382

A little over 900 candidates have been chosen to take part in the next stage of selection.

Cutoffs have not been declared.

How Many Vacancies in LVB?

Well, this would be your next question after looking at the number of candidates who have qualified for GD & Interviews.

Banks generally shortlist candidates in the ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 for interviews.Going by that rule, we can assume the approximate number of vacancies in Lakshmi Vilas Bank to be:

  • Clerk: 150 to 200
  • PO: 90 to 130

This is not officially announced.We are just hoping these number of positions could be filled through this recruitment, which is quite possible.

Whats Next for Qualifers?

Does your roll number feature in the list of successfull candidates?Then, you can expect an email from the bank with the call letter for Group discussion/ Interview.

  • PO: Appear for Group discussion & on clearing it, you will be called for Interview
  • Clerk: No GD.Only personal interview

Candidates shall receive the call letters in the coming days.The processes could get complete within the next one month,we believe.

Did you appear for the LVB exam 2016? What is your result? Share it via comments.

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