Railway Recruitment 2016: Last Date to Apply Ended | 5 Rules to Register Successfully Without Any Problems

Indian Railway Recruitment,Railways Recruitment 2016 online application form,Last date to apply for railways recruitmentDo you know about the Railway Recruitment 2016 notification for 18000 vacancies (NTPC) released few weeks back.The registration links to apply online for various RRBs will close on January 25, 2016.Here are the important things that you need to keep in mind while regsitering for this RRB recruitment on the last day.It shall help you complete the online application successfully without any major issues.

If you are looking to apply for jobs in indian railways on the last date, you may have to face many difficulties while registering.It could range from online application errors, server issues, slow website etc.,

railways recruitment apply online

Here are 5 important rules that you need to keep in mind while registering to avoid last minute problems.The railways recruitment online application link is given at the bottom of this page.

Enter your Personal Details Correctly

Whatever you enter in the online application form will only be considered by RRBs for this recruitment.

Original documents/ certificates would be verified by railway authorities before appointment. Incase they find any differences in name, signature or date of birth at that time, your selection could be cancelled.

Since you are applying at the last minute, there will be no option to modify your details in future.

So make sure to write your name, educational qualifications & other personal details with utmost care.

Declare Marks Properly

There are some sections in the online application where you need to fill your SSLC, HSC & degree marks.Dont make any mistakes while entering these details.

There is an option to modify your application after submission but that facility will also close after Jan 25, 2016.

Know About Eyesight Rules

Indian railways has prescribed certain medical conditions for all the 18000 NTPC vacancies announced in their recent recruitment.

According to it, applicants for ASM, Goods Guard & Traffic Apprentice should have visual acuity (eye vision) of 6/9, 6/9 without glasses.For others, the vision standard is 6/12 & 6/18.

Doctor certificate is not necessary while appearing for the online test but it must be produced before appointment.

You may also see our detailed article on understanding the eyesight & vision rules for railways recruitment.

Choose Post Preferences Wisely

Do you know that a single application is enough to apply for all the 9 jobs listed in railways recruitment notification?

Candidates are only required to choose their order of preference for each post (give number of 1, 2, 3, …). Depending on the cutoff scores & marks secured by the person, appointments shall be made.

If you are confused on choosing, see our detailed explanation on How to choose post preferences along with order of priority for male & female.

Check If you Have to Pay Fees

The examination fee is Rs.100 & should be paid only by male candidates belonging to General & OBC categories.

There is no fee for SC/ ST/ Ex-Servicemen/ Persons with Disability (PWD) / Women/ Transgender, Economically Backward Classes having annual family income less than Rs.50,000 & Minorities (muslims, christians, sikhs, buddhists, jains and zoroastrians)

As you are registering on the last date, we advise you to choose ONLINE PAYMENT & pay the fees immediately.

Your registration will not be accepted incase you fail to make the fee payment.

Links: The online applications for each RRB is available at this page here (choose the zone & proceed to the form).

You can apply online upto 11:59 PM on January 25, 2016.So even if you are facing slow loading website during the mornings, try registering after 9 PM.

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