RBI Assistants Recruitment: Official Languages of States [Full List]

rbi logo,rbi assistants recruitment 2016,rbi recruitment 2016,reserve bank of india jobs,jobs in rbi 2016,rbi jobs 2016,reserve bank of india recruitments 2016Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has annouced the recruitment of 623 assistants recently which has created lot of interest among govt job asprants, as expected.Candidates selected for the post of assistants are also required to appear for a language proficiency test (LPT).So here is the detailed list of official language of each state, which every applicant must posses as it is one of the eligibility condition specified by RBI.

The RBI assistants recruitment 2017 for 623 vacancies is open for application submission till November 10, 2017.Since these are assistant cadre jobs, the positions are spread across different states of India.

Although candidates may apply for any state they prefer, they are required to posses knowledge of the official language of that region they are applying.But what is the official language of each state – is the question raised by many applicants.

RBI Assistants: Language Test

A Language Proficiency Test (LPT) will be held by RBI for candidates who are provisonally selected for appointment.Only those who qualify in this test are considered for final selection.

Candidates who dont qualify in local language proficiency test will be disqualified, says the official advertisement of RBI.

If you are applying for vacancies in a particular office, it is necessary to know to read, write and speak the official/ regional language of the state where that office is located.

For example, candidates applying for chennai office should be fluent in tamil language.If not, they are ineligible for the assistants recruitment.

Here are the states and languages list:

  • Ahmedabad – Gujarati
  • Bengaluru – Kannada
  • Bhopal – Hindi
  • Bhubaneswar – Oriya
  • Chandigarh – Punjabi / Hindi
  • Chennai – Tamil
  • Guwahati – Assamese / Bengali / Khasi / Manipuri
  • Hyderabad – Telugu
  • Jaipur – Hindi
  • Jammu – Urdu / Hindi
  • Kanpur & Lucknow – Hindi
  • Kolkata – Bengali
  • Mumbai – Marathi
  • Nagpur – Marathi / Hindi
  • New Delhi – Hindi
  • Patna – Hindi
  • Thiruvananthapuram – Malayalam

The language proficiency test will be held for individuals who have successfuly cleared the preliminary and main examinations only.

Incase, a candidate has cleared prelims and mains but fails to qualify in the language proficiency test, he/ she will be disqualified from the entire selection process.

Language test pattern: RBI has not yet released the exact pattern of the language proficiency test.

But based on the tests conducted by IBPS, the language test may have questions in the regional language, which the candidates has to answer in the same language.

At times, there could be interview type situation wherein candidates could be asked to answer questions posed by the panel, in their local language.

Have any more doubts? Checkout the RBI assistants recruitment eligibility doubts and clarifications.

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