Rewa Sidhi Gramin recruits Officers & Office Assistants

Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank recruitment 2011,Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank jobs 2011,Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank is inviting online applications for its recruitment of Officers & Office assistants.With Union bank of India as sponsor, this regional bank was established in the year 1976. Currently the bank caters to the banking needs of people across 3 districts of the state of Madhya Pradesh.

Position – Vacancy – Payscale :

Office Assistant – 80 posts

Officer (scale –1) – 13 posts; scale II – 14 posts & scale III – 1 post

While providing the payscale for each grade, the bank has also mentioned the approximate monthly salary of Assistant – Rs.13,200 /month & Officer (scale I) – Rs.23,200 /month

Dates: Application registration through online –22.11.2011 to 21.12.2011

Written test [Officers] – Feb 5, 2012 [Assistants] – Jan 29, 2012

The following are the eligibility conditions to apply for Rewa sidhi bank recruitment,

  • Agelimit has been fixed as 18 – 28yrs as on 31.03.2010
  • Bachelor`s degree in any discipline is the minimum required education (for officer scale I, preference shall be given for those with agri. related or law or management or economics degree)
  • Should be proficient in hindi or the local language
  • Applicants can be from any part of India

Selection: Based on the performance in Written test & Interview, applicants shall be appointed.The test consisting of 4 papers for a total of 200 marks (negative mark of 0.25) must be completed within 150 mins.

As part of the objective exam, you will have to secure atleast 40% marks for interview consideration.

Application: The registration fee of Rs.450 or Rs.50(SC/ST) has to be paid in any Rewa Sidhi Gramin Bank or Union Bank of India branches before Dec 21. Do not forget to collect the ‘candidate copy’ of challan after payment.

  • Now you can proceed to submit your application online by logging onto & enter the required details.Remember to take a printout of the system generated application for reference.
  • Eligible candidates can download their call letters from the bank website directly, after Jan 17th.No communication would be sent by post.

Refer: Looking to apply for Rewa sidhi gramin bank jobs?Download the recruitment notice from the bank website here

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