SBI PO Prelims Exam: Previous Year Cutoffs [Sectional & Total]

sbi po previous year cut offs,sbi po prelims cut off,sbi po cut off 2015,sbi po cut offs 2016,sbi po preivous year prelims mains cut offs,sbi po cut off marks scoresAs soon as the SBI PO recruitment is announced, many doubts pop up in the minds of candidates.The biggest of them all will be – What will be the SBI PO 2017 cutoffs. Even though the exams are not yet conducted, aspirants keep asking this question every time.So we are providing you with SBI PO previous year cutoffs that would help you prepare accordingly for SBI PO prelims & main exams.

The SBI PO 2017 recruitment notification describes about the written examination to be conducted in two phases – Preliminary & Main.

Due to increasing competition, bank exams are being held in stages to filter talent based on marks.SBI with its huge brand value shall also see large number of applications.

SBI PO Prelims Cutoffs

All eligible candidates should appear for the SBI PO prelims which is an online test for 1 hour.The patterns of 2015 & 2016 preliminary exams are similar to SBI PO 2017

Sectional cutoffs: So here are the SBI PO prelims previous year 2015 & 2016 cutoffs for each category & section:

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Total Cutoffs: Apart from section-wise cutoffs, there are cutoffs on your total marks as well.The SBI PO prelims total cutoffs for years 2016 & 2015 are given below:

sbi po previous year cut offs,sbi po prelims cut off,sbi po cut off 2015,sbi po cut offs 2016,sbi po preivous year prelims mains cut offs,sbi po cut off marks scores

There is 0.25 negative marks for each wrong answer in these objective tests.No mark will be reduced if you choose to leave a question unanswered.

Checkout the SBI PO main exam previous year cutoffs to know the marks fixed by SBI in each section & on total marks for main examinations.

SBI PO Prelims Cutoffs: Important Points

Inorder to sail smooth & get shortlisted for main exams, here are few important things that you must understand about SBI PO preliminary cutoffs.

  • You need to secure the minimum qualifying marks (cutoffs) in each of the 3 section & also on total marks
  • Even if you don’t posses the necessary cutoff scores in any 1 section OR your total score is not above the total cutoff, you wont qualify.
  • There is no waiting list for preliminary test

The SBI PO preliminary exam is only a screening test, just for qualifying purpose only.These scores will not be considered during the final section stage.

But only those who rank in the order of merit as per their prelims scores will be shortlisted for the main examination.So don’t take it lightly.

SBI PO Exam Books & Courses: Which are the cheap & best SBI PO books/ online courses? Your question is answered by way of this list:

* SBI PO Prelims Exam GuideClick here to buy online for Rs.199 (with previous year solved papers)

* SBI PO Prelims Practice Workbook Click here to buy online for Rs.119 (20 papers)

* SBI PO Online Video Course [Learn from home] – Click here to buy for Rs.2499 [50% offer price upto March 5 only]

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