SSC CHSL Tier I Exam Answer Keys Out; Check your Attempts

SSC CHSL Answer Key, SSC CHSL Tier I exam answer keyThe most expected SSC CHSL Answer Key 2017 is released & can be viewed until March 20th.During the months of January/ February 2017, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had conducted Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Tier-I exams for recruitment of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators, Lower Divisional Clerks and Court Clerks.

The SSC CHSL 2016 examination was announced to fill 5133 posts in central government, that are basically classified as Group ‘C’ cadre.The detailed list of vacancies are:

  • Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant: 3281
  • Lower Division Clerk: 1321
  • Data Entry Operator: 506
  • Court Clerk: 26

A common online written examination (Tier I) was held from January 7 to February 8, 2017 in various shifts, across India.


SSC CHSL Tier I: Answer Keys

The SSC CHSL tier I exam was for a total of 200 marks consisting of 100 multiple choice questions under 4 subjects – General Intelligence, English language, Quantitative aptitude & General awareness.

While each correct answer is awarded 2 marks, there is negative marking of 0.50 marks for every wrong answer.

To check your SSC CHSL answer keys, here are the detailed steps:

– Log on to the official website – Click this link to open webpage (will be active upto March 20, 5 PM)

– Enter your roll number and password in the space provided

– Choose the exam date & click on submit

– Answer keys will be displayed on the screen

To print: On top left corner, press the button ‘Click to print’ to save the entire webpage as PDF (in chrome) or take a printout for future reference.

To submit wrong keys: Incase of any wrong options in the answey key, candidates can submit their challenges/ objections by depositing Rs.100 per objection.

Clicking on ‘Challenges’ located at the top right corner of the page, will take you to the online payment gateway.

SSC CHSL Results: The SSC CHSL answer keys shall be available till March 20th. After receiving the challenges from candidates, the commission would process them to verify their correctness.

Once all these procedures are complete, the SSC CHSL 2016 results would be released, most probably by the ends of March 2017.

SSC CHSL Tier II in April 2017

Candidates who successfully qualify in Tier I will be shortlisted for Tier II exam, scheduled to happen on April 9, 2017.

The Tier II test is a 1 hour descriptive paper for 100 marks to test the writing skills of candidates which is necessary in government jobs.

It comprises of writing an essay of 200-250 words & Letter/Application writing of 150-200 words.The minimum qualifying marks in Tier-II will be 33%.

Descriptive English Writing (for SSC CHSL Tier II)Click here to buy online for Rs.145

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