Syndicate Bank Clerk Interviews to Start from September 24

Syndicate Bank Logo,syndicate bank clerk recruitment 2012,syndicate bank clerk jobs 2012,syndicate bank clerk interviewsThe wait has finally ended for applicants of Syndicate bank`s clerk recruitment as the interview dates have been revealed. But what is to be note here is the time taken by the bank to come out with such an announcement.Read on to know about the road ahead…

Syndicate bank to recruit for 1000 clerk vacancies invited IBPS CWE qualified scorecard holders to submit online applications upto June 15.

Although graduates or 12th passouts were eligible to apply, minimum TWS scores were fixed for each state & only those above it can send their form.

Open for all

Its already 3 months since the bank started this project & it seems they don’t want to waste any more time by calling the same candidates who may have secured appointment in previous PSB`s.

Syndicate bank has proposed to interview all eligible applicants for the post of clerk, says their official notice.

which means all individuals who had registered after satisfying the necessary eligibility conditions can now appear for personal interviews.

No separate cutoffs

Since the bank has decided not to shortlist, cutoffs specifically for each category & state do not exist.The minimum total scores mentioned at the time of advt. are treated as cutoffs

When does it start?

Interviews are scheduled to commence from September 24 & candidates shall receive sms & email intimating them to download call letters directly at the bank`s website.

If you dont receive any alerts but had submitted the application, just try to download call letter with login details.Incase the issue persists, contact the bank. 

While you can download the admit cards from here, visit the recruitment page of syndicate bank here to get other necessary documents.

We are sure many first timers would enter the interview hall.While we wish them the best remember to go through our articles on preparing for interview.

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