Utkal Grameen Bank RRB Recruitment for Odisha Candidates

utkal grameen bank logo,Utkal Grameen Bank  recruitment Utkal Grameen Bank has come up with its recruitment of Officers & Office Assistants for RRB exam 2012 qualifiers.Sponsored by State Bank of India, this rural bank operates across 17 districts of the state of Odisha with head office at Bolangir.UGB came into existence only in the year 2012 after the amalgamation of Rushikulya Gramya Bank and Utkal Gramya Bank.

Unlike PO & clerk jobs, vacancies in regional rural banks aren’t filled through common interview procedure.This could be one of the reason for these organizations to go slow on hiring.

There is no info available on the no. of positions filled but with IBPS PO 2013 exam expected in August, IBPS RRB exam 2013 wont be far behind.


Office Assistant – 174 posts (approx. Rs.13,762 /month)

Officer (scale –1) – 68 posts (Rs.27,644/ month) & scale II – 40 openings

Note These:

Online application registrations from May 23 to June 7, 2013

Intimation for Interviews ill be sent separately.

Who are Eligible?

Those interested to apply for Utkal Grameen Bank recruitment 2013 must posses the below criteria,

  • Age limit of 18 – 28yrs (+5 for sc/st, +3 for obc), as on June 1, 2012
  • Should have completed Bachelor`s degree from a recognized university (any discipline)
  • Proficient in Odisha`s official language (Odia) & passed in it at matric/std. X

Since this is an exclusive recruitment for qualifiers of IBPS RRB CWE – Sep 2012, minimum cutoff scores for applicants are:

utwal grameen bank cutoff scores

About Selection:

As per the bank`s advertisement, only those with high TWS scores among the applications received are to be called for personal interviews in the ratio of 1:3.

Although the interview stage carries 30 marks, shortlisting for final appointment shall be made by preparing a merit list.It would be based on your total marks (including CWE)


Pay the application fee of Rs.100 (others) or Rs.20(SC/ST) in cash only at Utkal Grameen Bank branches on or before June 7.The payment challan is available for download at their website.

After depositing the fees, collect receipt & visit www.ugb.co.in to submit your online application.Remember to keep your personal, educational & payment related details in hand before entering the required information.

Finally, do not forget take a print of the submitted form for future reference purpose.

Download the original notification of Utkal Grameen Bank recruitment & challan form directly from their website here

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