Allahabad UP & Wainganga Krishna Gramin Banks Recruitments

wainganga gramin bank recruitment 2013 Following the release of rural bank exam results, RRBs are in the process of filling up their vacancies.Though there aren’t large differences between public sector banks & Gramin banks the exposure & business knowledge one gets in PSB is higher.Speaking in terms of emoluments, it is similar to all other govt. banks with slight changes in entitled allowances.

Recently two recruitment notifications were issued from Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank & Allahabad UP Gramin Bank

Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank

Established in December 2008, WKGB is sponsored by Bank of India to provide banking services in rural areas of Maharashtra.With head office in Solapur, the bank has over 170 branches spread across 12 maharashtrian districts.

WKGB has advertised to fill 4 scale II officers & 14 office assistants with no openings for officers (scale I).Interested candidates may submit their registrations from December 24 to January 4, 2013.

Apart from regular eligibility conditions, applicants should have passed in local language of the state (matriculation /std.10 level)


The complete notice for this hiring including selection procedure & application methods can be download from their website here

Allahabad UP Gramin Bank

Sponsored by Canara Bank, the Shreyas Gramin Bank came into existence in 2006.With a presence of 200+ branches across 7 districts in India`s largest state – Uttar Pradesh, the bank is committed to improve the livelihood of common man in rural heartland.

While there are no vacant positions for officer cadre, there are 57 officer openings.The online registrations for these starts from December 28 & closes on January 8, 2013, which is also the last date to pay fees

Though there is no necessity to prove your domicile status – proficiency in Hindi language is compulsory. You must have also passed in std Xth in Hindi subject


The eligibility conditions are same as specified during CWE.If you are lookint to apply, then remember to read the official advt. from their site here (.pdf)

Eligible Conditions

There is nothing new in the criteria but still we are providing it for your reference,

  • Scale I position applicants should be aged between 18 – 28 years
  • Completed degree (any discipline) from a recognized university as on June 1, 2012

While the minimum TWS scores for office assistant is 103 (gen/obc) & 97 (sc/st), it is 95 (gen/obc) & 89 (sc/st) for assistant cadre.

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