Bank of India Clerks Recruitment – Expected Cutoffs [Analysis]

bank jobs vacancies series,no. of vacancies in banks,bank exam cutoffs Having seen & heard about the PO selection procedure, all bank job aspirants would have known that appearing for the IBPS CWE is not enough but securing high TWS would guarantee them interview calls right away.With clerk job recruitment notifications being released by public banks, the question of interview cutoffs have again come to the fore.

To help such confused minds understand their position, we are publishing the cutoffs that BOI might fix to shortlist candidates for Interviews.

How BoI shortlists?

Bank of India recruitment with 3149 posts has invited candidates holding valid clerk scorecards to apply but does everyone have a chance? No.

According to their notice,

only those who have secured the specified minimum IBPS TWS score & rank sufficiently high in the order of merit shall be called for a Personal interview in the ratio of 1:3 

Hence it becomes necessary for you to think & apply rather than submitting applications to all banks without forethought. bank of india clerks analysis,bank of india clerk cutoffs,bank of india clerk recruitment 2012 cutoff scores Expected cutoffs

IBPS had released recently released the scoring pattern of CWE qualifiers in each state. (see IBPS po & clerks scorelist)

Based on BOI`s above ratio & comparing it with the no. of candidates within a particular score range, we have calculated cutoff scores for each category.

* states with less than 15 vacancies were not been taken. 

Will it reduce

‘Something is better than nothing’. Likewise these permutations could help you in deciding whether to apply for this Bank of India clerk recruitment or wait for other banks.

Having said that, final cutoffs to be announced by the bank may differ – meaning it may go up or down.

Let`s see some events that may lower the cutoffs,

  • Some clerical exam toppers may have joined or would be attending the personal interview process for probationary officer positions
  • In addition, few may be ineligible due to improper selection of state,knowledge of local language etc.,

So you can expect a variation of only +/- 5 marks from our analysis since the competition is very high with a major chunk between 150-180 in many states.


After looking at the list, you should have bynow calculated your chances.To sumup in simple words,

States with min. vacancies & large no. of pass-outs will see high cutoffs, as BOI would only choose the toppers who fall inline with ratio of 1:3

Though Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,Uttar Pradesh have 400+ clerical posts each & might call 850-950 (approx.) gen. candidates for interview, the cutoffs for General & OBC categories will still be above 175!

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