IOB 1500 PO Recruitment Results – Appointments & Cutoffs

indian overseas bank-iob-po-results-2012The action is back after few days of silence.Indian overseas bank has officially come out with its final results for the post of probationary officers.While some banks have already completed their recruitments, the biggest concern of many aspirants over multiple selection of a person across 1 or more banks seems to still remain. 

Indian Overseas Bank in the month of April had issued advertisements calling for applications from IBPS CWE qualified candidates.The other eligibility condition specified was 60% in graduation.

Come May, the bank shortlisted over 6800 candidates for Interviews, that started from 28th of the same month.For this purpose,category wise cutoffs were also published.

Final List

IOB has released the roll numbers of 1500 candidates who are provisionally selected for the PO position.

The original document containing these numbers is available at the bank`s website here

Following the results, selected candidates will start receiving their appointment letters in the coming weeks.

The bank also goes on to say that these intimations would be sent in batches.Hence do no panic if your friend receives it first.It is possible for you to receive the letter in the next tranche.

Cutoff scores

As 6800+ people had taken part in the interview process, it is natural for them to be curious about their scores.

The minimum qualifying mark in the Interview was 22.5 (gen) & 20 (sc/st/obc/pc) & only those above it could be considered.

Although individual marks secured by candidates in interview is not known, IOB has displayed the final cutoff marks instrumental in preparing appointment list.As per it,

  • General: 206
  • OBC: 199
  • SC: 190
  • ST: 177

The above total cutoff marks is calculated using the following formula –> Written test (250) + Interview (50) = 300 marks

Service Bond

Indian overseas bank had specified all those selected for appointment as PO must execute a bond of Rs.1 lakh agreeing to stay with the bank for 3 years (including 2 year probation)

This amount should be deposited to the bank only incase of quitting service within 3 years.

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