Railway RRB NTPC Exam 2016: GK Questions List of April 7

The RRB NTPC Exam for the recruitment of 18000 vacancies in Indian Railways could be called the longest running examination in India. Started on March 28, the online examinations are being held at various centres across India in 3 shifts throughout the day.But the level of questions is increasing regularly which keeps everyone guessing.To know more about it, see the list of GK questions asked on April 7.

Candidates send us the RRB NTPC exam review for that particular day along with general knowledge questions asked in their shift.Each RRB seem to have their own set of questions as individuals from RRBs of other states get different batch of questions.

But the GK questions shared so far will help you understand what type of questions are asked & which topics to prepare for your upcoming exams.

RRB NTPC Exam Review: GK Questions of April 7

On this day, candidates felt the questions were quite tough to answer particularly those from science & history.

Full form of PCB? Printed Circuit Board

Who was the Prime Minister of Bangladesh in 1971? Tajuddin Ahmad

Who is the Brand Ambassador of Tata Motors? Lionel Messi

When did East India Company come to India? 1600

When was Azad hind Fauz formed? 1943

Netware belongs to which company? Novell

Who is the chairman of Bank Board Bureau? Vinod Rai

Who was appointed UN chief for second time in 2011? Ban-ki-moon

Fundamental rights comes under which article? Article 14-32

ITF Davis Cup 2015 Champion? Great Britain

Name of the astronaut who spent 368 days in space? Scott Kelly

Dhameka Stupa located at? Sarnath,Uttar Pradesh

Asia Cup 2015 Winner? India

Who is National Chairperson of Human Right? HL Dattu

What is the National Motto of India? Satyameva Jayate

U-17 football world cup 2017 venue? India

Chicken pox vaccine name? Varicella

Hridayanth mangeshkar award 2015 winner? AR Rahman

Hirakud dam located on which river? Mahandi

Mount Kilimangaro situated in which country? Tanzania

Polio vaccine was invented by? Dr. Jonas Salk (answer credit:Mr.Manu)

Mumbai post office launched ‘My stamp services’ for what purpose? for personalized sheets of postage stamp

National attire (dress) of Japan? Kimono

Ellora caves constructed in which century? between 6 –10th century

Where was Golf invented? Scotland

95th constitution amendment purpose?  To extend the period of reservation to 2020

Shape of planets orbit? Elliptical

Author of the Novel “A Brief History of Seven Killings”?  Marlon James

Zn is present in? Wheat Germ

Fastest memory? Cache

Yogeshwar Dutt is from which field? Wrestler

Who is the writer of Sustainable Development? John Dernbach

East india company is also known as? British Company

Year of NASA Act? 1958

Who wrote Natya Shastra? Bharat muni

SAADMEX 2015 held at? Delhi

Fruit bats are host to which virus? Ebola

SMAP satellite launched by? Nasa

Full Form of GSLV? Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

The Book ‘To the Brink & Back’ written by? Jairam Ramesh

Which unit is used for measuring ozone layer thickness? Dobson Unit (DU)

Who is BCCI president? Shashank Manohar

Odd man Out (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, social) Social

Female anopheles mosquito causes which disease? Malaria

Man Booker Prize 2015? Marlon James

Father of White Revolution in India? Verghese Kurien

The acid used is car battery is? Sulphuric Acid

‘Land of the morning calm’ refers to? Korea

WHO was established in the year? 1948

Evergreen forests are found in? Equatorial regions

Ozone hole clearly visible in antarctic during which season? Summer (october)

If you remember any more questions from your shift or find any errors in the answers given above, use the comment form to inform.

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